Very few of us are lucky to have experienced life in a tea garden.My childhood was spent in many beautiful and picturesque gardens and I suddenly felt the urge of sharing my experience.Through this poem,I have tried to relive those days! A small glimpse into my world!


Today I dream of being in a cottage alone by the glistening lake,

With only the woods to calm me by their undisturbing presence,

As I sit and sip my cup of tea, a vivid flashback brings quaint memories alive,

And layers of nostalgia unravel itself through the stillness of time,

My childhood days were undoubtedly the most beautiful days of life,

I have experienced the life of true comfort staying in the magnificent bungalows which were as grand as the Queen’s palace,

The furniture made of the finest wood boasting of elegant designs,

The strolling lawns with swings in which grew the rarest of flowers seen,

The “malibari” as it was called cultivating the sweetest vegetables I ever tasted,

And sometimes it would be visited  by the mighty elephants who would come to visit you in the middle of the night,

Thus, would start another entertaining show of the garden people trying to scare them off with shouts, drums and bombs!

The ‘didis and bhaiyas’ calling you “baby” who would accede to any of your unjustified requests without putting you into trouble,

The dirt tracks within the tea bushes like honeycombs which lead you to nowhere in particular,

And winters would mean the excitement of eating breakfast in the lawn with the sun gently warming you,

Whereas nights would be of cooking unconventionally with the kadhai set over a collection of wood which were selected after a days hardwork!

The smoky mutton curry would allure me helpless in temptation of wanting more and more,

And my favourite part was waking up to the aroma of freshly made tea coming from the factories filled with machines of the bygone days,

Oh! these memories lure me to go back in time to the places which fill a deep sense of gratitude within me for being able to witness them,

As my tea ends, my memoirs of a tea garden will be cherished forever in my heart.